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Modeling Contracts (Know This Before You Sign)

Modeling Contracts - What to Know Before Signing a Modeling Contract - You probably understand the importance of reading every part of a contract before you sign one, but unfortunately, a lot of people fail to fully understand what it is they are signing before they do so. If you’re a new model and in the process of signing a contract for the first time [...]

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Models Wanted Ads (A Guide for New Models)

A popular way new models try to get started in modeling is by searching the Models Wanted ads online or in newspaper ads. These ads most often appear on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or sites such as Craigslist. As a new model it is important to be able to decipher what exactly the advertiser is seeking. [...]

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Plus Size Modeling

Plus Size Modeling - Plus-Size & Curvy Models Establish Themselves in Mainstream Modeling - As long as modeling has been around, there have been different types of models, but “straight-size” models (female models between size 0-8 and male models with a 29.... Today, modeling is more inclusive than it ever has been, and it isn’t uncommon to see models of all shapes, sizes, and heights [...]

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Petite Modeling Agencies

There is good news for shorter models since the modeling landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years. So, if you haven’t pursued your dreams of being a supermodel because you don’t think you are tall enough, think again! [...]

Nude Modeling Photos (Are They Required to Be a Model?)

Nude Modeling Photos - Are Nude Photos Ever Required to Become a Model? People have a lot of questions for us about modeling and what’s considered normal behavior versus what could be a red flag or an inappropriate request from a modeling agency or scout. For many of the questions we get, the answers aren’t [...]

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Clay W. on Set at Abercrombie & Fitch Photoshoot

Abercrombie & Fitch Photoshoot with Photographer Bruce Weber - Male Model Clay W. hangs out with Abercrombie & Fitch Photographer Bruce Weber We're so proud of our model Clay W., who recently booked a modeling job for A & F. Clay sent us this photo of him working on set with the world renowned photographer [...]

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Our Models Get Scouted®

Our Models Get Scouted® by Leading Modeling Agencies - Aspiring models from around the world create their modeling profiles on ModelSouts.com and get scouted by the world's top modeling agencies including: Elite Models, IMG Models, One Management, Ford Models, Next Models, New York Models, Women, Marilyn's, Metropolitan Models, [...]

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ModelScouts.com Review – Clay W.

ModelScouts Reviews - Model Clay W. & Mom Review ModelScouts - My son Clay become interested in modeling after having so many people ask him to model for their local fashion shows. He did well with his modeling but he was frustrated. They didn't seem to help him push his career along. Things were just moving [...]

Baby Modeling (How to Get Your Baby Started)

Do you think you have a beautiful baby? Do strangers on the street come up to you and tell you that "your baby should be a model". Are they just being kind, or does your baby really have what it takes to become a baby model? How do you even get your baby into modeling and what would the whole process entail? [...]

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Can I Be a Model with Tattoos?

Can I be a model with tattoos? Will tattoos hurt my chances of becoming a model? These are some of the most frequent questions we receive from new models just starting out. We are happy to say that the answer is [...]

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Plus Size Modeling Agencies

Plus-size or curvy models have been making history for years, and have gradually become much more mainstream than being just a niche market. Not only do many agencies have plus-size divisions, but there are also now several prominent agencies who specifically represent plus models. [...]

John Strawbridge Casting (Model Talk Interview)

John Strawbridge Casting Director - What Casting Directors Really Look For - John Strawbridge is a director, author and writer with over 20 years experience in feature films, network TV and theatre. He’s the Creative Director of Campanile Media and the Artistic Director of Actors Company Theatre, both based [...]

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Child Model Niles Fitch Gets Rave Reviews

ModelScouts.com Discovery Niles Fitch Gets Rave Reviews - Signed to Wilhelmina Models by ModelScouts.com when he was just 7 years old, child model and actor Niles Fitch has grown into an amazing young star. We are so proud of Niles and his accomplishments! Since ModelScouts signed Niles to Wilhelmina Models, he has [...]

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