Eye Modeling
How to Become an Eye Model
Do you have amazing or unique eyes? Have people told you that you should become an eye model?
Eye models can book all sorts of modeling jobs from print campaigns, brochures and marketing material, makeup and eye care ads, medical material and anything else where the client wants to focus on your eyes to help get their message across. So, how do you become an eye model?
Here are a few tips to help get you started:
1. Take Clear Photos of Your Eyes and Face
Have a friend take some good, clear photos of your eyes and face. It’s not necessary to have professional modeling photos when you are first starting out (you can get professional shots later) but you do want your photos to be good. Because you want the agents and scouts to see the detail in your eyes, it may be better to take your photos with a regular digital camera rather than with the camera on your phone if possible.

Supermodel Coco Rocha for Schön Magazine. Photographer Rayan Ayash
2. Make Sure Your Eyes Are Clear and Bright
It’s a good idea to pop in some eye drops to clear up any redness you may have before you take your shots. Also make sure you are well-rested to avoid any puffiness or dark circles.
3. Have a Variety of Looks
Have a range of shots to present to the agents and scouts such as a few photos with no makeup and completely natural, a few with subtle, natural looking makeup and a few with more dramatic makeup. Please note that men should never have obvious makeup on in their shots. Completely natural for male eye models is always best.
4. Try to Show Different Expressions
A good eye model should be able to show different expressions through their eyes such as happy, joyful, sad, tearful, excited and so forth.
5. Get Exposure to Numerous Agents & Scouts
Most fashion and commercial agencies book jobs for eye models, however, it is considered a niche market. Most successful eye models also work as commercial or fashion models so they can do a wide range of jobs that don’t just depend on their eyes. However, an experienced eye model can become very specialized and get direct bookings with different agencies nationwide which can really expand their client base and increase their earnings.
To become a fashion, commercial, or eye model it’s important to get exposure to as many agents and scouts as possible. Having a professional model scouting company like ModelScouts.com do the work for you is a great way to be seen by scouts for over 250 reputable agencies. With 35 years model management experience the scouts at ModelScouts.com have the know how to help you get scouted by the world’s top modeling agencies.
If you are an aspiring fashion, commercial or eye model looking to start your modeling career we invite you to join us by creating your model profile and uploading your photos. No experience required. All ages, sizes and heights welcome.
Don’t Make These 6 Modeling Mistakes
How to Become a Model (5 Expert Tips)
Art Modeling (A Great Start for New Models)
Supermodel Coco Rocha (The ModelScouts Interview)
250+ Top Modeling Agencies | All Ages, Sizes & Heights | No Experience Required