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- Height:5 foot 10 inch
- City:Philadelphia
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 10.5 inch
- City:sioux falls
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 6.5 inch
- City:San Diego
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 9 inch
- City:Camarillo
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 11.5 inch
- City:Santa Monica
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 5.5 inch
- City:Houston
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 4.5 inch
- City:Braunschweig
- Country:Germany
- Height:6 foot 3 inch
- City:Los Angeles
- Country:United States
- Height:Under 5 foot
- City:Delta Junction
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 3 inch
- City:Atlanta
- Country:United States
- Height:5 foot 9 inch
- City:New York City
- Country:United States
- City:Las Vegas
- Country:United States