Modeling Composite Cards
4 Things to Know About Modeling Comp Cards
In addition to having a reputable modeling agency in your corner, there are some essential tools that you will need to not only help you book more modeling jobs, but to keep your clients coming back.
Some of these tools include a model’s bag, and printed and/or digital modeling composite cards (also referred to as comp cards, z cards, zed cards and sed cards).
Your comp card will be one of the most important pieces of marketing material you will ever own. With that in mind, here are some essential facts about modeling comp cards you should know.
Comp Cards Are Business Cards for Models
Like business cards, comp cards are a quick way for a model to exchange information with a potential employer, an agency, scouts, photographers, and other industry professionals. While traditional business cards usually just contain a person’s credentials and contact information, you have the opportunity to include photos, measurements, and other relevant information on your comp card.

Digital Modeling Composite Card on
Digital or Printed Comp Cards
If you are deciding between digital or printed comp cards, a digital comp card is a good place to begin, especially when you are first starting out. This way, you can quickly change anything on your comp card that you need to, and you won’t have to keep spending money on printing updated comp cards.
Once you are represented by an agency you can have both digital and printed comp cards so you can take advantage of handing over a physical copy in person at modeling auditions, castings and go-sees.
Stick to Standard Layouts
While there isn’t an exact formula for creating a comp card, there are certain standards that most comp cards adhere to. Generally, they contain your best, and largest photo (usually a headshot), and it will be accompanied by smaller shots detailing your other work. If it’s a printed copy, you will often have one large photo on one side, and several smaller ones on the other. They are usually about 8.5” x 5.5” and should be printed on glossy paper.

Paper Comp Card of Model Marta K.
Your Agency Can Help You Pick the Right Photos
If you already have a pretty impressive modeling portfolio, it can be difficult to narrow down your best photos and decide which ones to showcase on your comp card. Discuss your best options with your agency, because they will be able to provide you with expert advice as to which photos will best help you attract the kind of modeling work you want.
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