
Models Wanted Ads (A Guide for New Models)

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Models Wanted Ads for Modeling Jobs

(A Guide for New Models)

A popular way new models try to get started in modeling is by searching the Models Wanted ads online or in newspapers. These ads most often appear on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or sites such as Craigslist.

As a new model it is important to be able to decipher what exactly the advertiser is seeking. Are they really seeking new models to represent or hire for jobs, or is it a way to sell you modeling classes or photo shoots with the promise of a job after you initially pay them hundreds or thousands of dollars?

If the advertiser is seeking to hire models for a specific job, you have to consider the legitimacy of the client, their ability to pay in a timely fashion, the ultimate usage of your image and photos among other things.

Here are some important points to consider when searching and responding to Models Wanted ads.

Models Wanted

Izabela Habur/Getty Images

Top Agencies Never Use Models Wanted Ads

Top modeling agencies never use Models Wanted ads. Why? Because they don’t have to. Top model agencies such as Elite Models, Wilhelmina, or Ford Models receive thousands of submissions every week from aspiring models, therefore it is unnecessary for them to place ads seeking new models.

Models Wanted ads placed by modeling agencies are generally from agencies in smaller markets outside of New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, London or Tokyo. This is fine, and there are many legitimate modeling agencies in smaller markets that place ads for new models, however it’s important to know if they are genuinely seeking models to represent or if they are in the modeling school or photo shoot business.

Modeling Classes Are Not Necessary to Become a Model

Modeling classes are not necessary to become a model. Period. If you are being told you need to enroll in classes, at your expense, before you can be considered for modeling jobs, then you should seek alternate representation. Likewise, you do not need professional photos for an agency to know if they are interested in representing you. Snapshots are all that agents and scouts need to determine your potential as a model. At some point you will need professional photos, but you should never have to purchase a photo shoot from an agency’s in-house photographer in order to be represented.

Reputable Clients Always Hire Models Through an Agency

Can you imagine if Giorgio Armani, Prada or Chanel placed a Models Wanted ad online. It would never happen. Even clients in smaller markets that might hire models for local ads would prefer to hire models through an agency. Not only do clients (big and small) need to protect their brand and reputation, advertising rates are much too expensive to risk it all working with untested and inexperienced models that haven’t been screened by an agency.

Many shady clients will hire models online rather than use a professional model agency because they know you are inexperienced and they can take advantage of you. Often, they will not pay you what the job is worth, and many times they won’t pay you at all. Since you don’t really know who they are, you have little recourse to get the money that you deserve. Moreover, you will have no control over where your image will end up. Before you know it your photos will be all over the internet, you didn’t get paid for your work, and there’s not a thing you can do about it.

Nude Photos Are NEVER Required

A vast majority of Models Wanted ads, particularly on Craigslist, are for webcam or nude models. If that’s your thing, then okay. But, if it’s not, keep in mind that nude photos are NEVER required to become a model.

If someone contacts you through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social media sites and asks you to send underwear or nude photos, or pose naked on a webcam they are not legitimate agents or scouts. See our Model Safety page for more details.

NEVER Go Alone to Job or Casting You Found Online

If a person you met through a Models Wanted ad wants to meet you in person make sure that you take someone with you and, meet them at their known office address or in a public place. NEVER go alone to an interview or casting held by someone you have never met and who is a stranger to you. This goes for male models as well.

Get Bookings Through Reputable Agencies & Clients

If you are truly serious about a modeling career and getting booked for great modeling jobs it is important to work with only the most reputable agencies and clients. But, how do you do that if not through Models Wanted ads? Sending photos directly to modeling agencies can be very confusing and time-consuming. At ModelScouts we specialize in helping new models get started in the safest and most efficient way.

Our agents have over 35 years experience and have scouted, developed and signed 100’s of new models to the very best modeling agencies worldwide. The safety of our models is extremely important to us and we take great steps to insure our models are seen and represented by the only the most reputable and legitimate modeling agencies.

ModelScouts.com is a Member of the Better Business Bureau, The New York Chamber of Commerce, The Managers and Models Association, The North American Modeling Association and supports the Models Alliance. ModelScouts has also been awarded the Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award for Ethical Business Practices.

If you are a new model seeking representation and modeling jobs we invite you to create your model profile and upload your photos. We work with models of all ages, size and heights. Professional photos not required (snapshots are fine).


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250+ Top Modeling Agencies  | All Ages, Sizes & Heights | No Experience Required

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