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How to Become a Plus Size Model

Curious about how to become a plus size model? Today, there are more successful, famous plus size models than any other time in history. Whether you refer to them as curvy models or plus size models, they’re booking more jobs than ever! We’re seeing these models in more fashion campaigns, and the demand for new plus and curvy models is booming [...]

How to Become a Plus Size Model2025-03-11T21:44:21-04:00

Plus Size Modeling

Plus Size Modeling - Plus-Size & Curvy Models Establish Themselves in Mainstream Modeling - As long as modeling has been around, there have been different types of models, but “straight-size” models (female models between size 0-8 and male models with a 29.... Today, modeling is more inclusive than it ever has been, and it isn’t uncommon to see models of all shapes, sizes, and heights [...]

Plus Size Modeling2025-03-11T23:01:50-04:00

Plus Size Male Modeling

When Zach Miko became the first male model to ever be signed to a major modeling agency in 2016, the world realized what they had been missing, and male brawn models got a huge push in popularity from the publicity Zach’s contract created. Zach's Target campaign for their "Big & Tall" [...]

Plus Size Male Modeling2025-03-12T01:06:28-04:00

Fashion Fit Models New York

Fashion Fit Models New York - Fit modeling is a very important aspect of the fashion industry. Designers, clothing manufacturers and suppliers rely on fit models at every stage of the process from pattern making and design to marketing.ModelScouts.com spoke with Fashion Fit Models’ Founders Shanon Knight and Alina Locklear [...]

Fashion Fit Models New York2025-03-15T17:25:27-04:00
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