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Model Safety Alert

We are NOT affiliated with modelscouters.com, model-scouts.nyc, modelscouts.miami, or any other sites. These sites have stolen our photos and content. Check out our Model Safety Alert on modelscouters.com, model-scouts.nyc and other sites [...]

Model Safety Alert2025-03-11T20:06:11-04:00

Michael Filonow | Photographer Spotlight

Based in New York City, photographer, former model, and US Air Force Pilot with a BS in Aerospace Engineering, Michael Filonow is a modern day renaissance man. Clients include supermodels Iman and Christy Brinkley, Donna Karan, Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Eva Longoria, Susan Lucci, John Legend, Russell Simmons [....]

Michael Filonow | Photographer Spotlight2023-10-07T16:23:25-04:00

ModelScouts Launches Website 4.0

How time flies, it seems like just yesterday we were announcing our previous new and improved website. That was January 2011. Now, here we are again, seven years later, launching the newest and fourth version of our company website since ModelScouts was founded in 2001. [...]

ModelScouts Launches Website 4.02025-03-11T22:34:46-04:00

Modeling Portfolios (Is a Professional Portfolio Required?)

Modeling Portfolios - Is a Professional Modeling Portfolio Required to Become a Model? New models often ask us if they need a modeling portfolio (or what we call a "book") filled with professional photos before approaching modeling agencies. It is an important question since professional modeling photos can be very expensive often costing between [...]

Modeling Portfolios (Is a Professional Portfolio Required?)2025-03-15T17:08:32-04:00

Joe Henson Photographer (Model Talk Interview)

With over 25 years experience, photographer Joe Henson is considered by many to be one of the industry’s premiere publicity portrait headshot photographers. His portfolio contains a whopping 15,000 clients, including Annette Bening, Lisa Lampanelli, Tyler Perry, Selma Blair, Brian Regan, John Henson, Dick Cavett, and Doc Severinson. [...]

Joe Henson Photographer (Model Talk Interview)2025-03-14T18:06:26-04:00
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